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Is Invisalign Good for Children?

Is Invisalign Good for Children? | Annapolis

You may have seen the commercials on TV; Invisalign is the clear way to straighten your teeth. While that may be true for adults, what about kids? Is Invisalign suitable for children? The short answer is yes! Here's a closer look at why Invisalign may be the best option for your child. In our previous blog, we have explained 5 Facts About Invisalign Treatment in Annapolis for Kids and Parents. Read along to know the benefits of Invisalign treatment for kids.

What Is Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign is an orthodontic tool used to shift teeth into its own place gradually. First, the patient goes through a thorough dental checkup with modern diagnostic techniques, including X-rays by a cosmetic dentist in Annapolis.

After a detailed examination, a dentist will scan a patient's teeth using 3D imaging software to calculate the appropriate amount of aligners for horizontal tooth movement.

Because of the complexity of the tooth system, biomechanical force must be carefully calculated before moving teeth. After the treatment is done, you will have straighter, healthier teeth which look and feel great.

When Can Children Use Clear Aligners Like Invisalign?

Children can use clear aligners with the same level of safety and efficiency as adults. Although a leading dentist in Annapolis offers clear alignment procedures for kids with great efficiency. However, it's often not suggested by a kid's dentist to undergo this procedure till the age of 10. The reason for this is that the majority of dentists would rather wait until all of the baby teeth have fallen out. Aligning teeth with this method requires a patient to wear a series of aligners for at least 20 hours a day for an average of 1 year, which might be difficult with baby teeth.

Benefits of Invisalign Treatment in Annapolis for Children:

  1. It's Less Noticeable Than Traditional Metal Braces:

    One of the parents' biggest concerns regarding their child getting braces is how they will look. Will their peers tease their children? With Invisalign, that's not a concern because the aligners are nearly invisible. This means your child can straighten their teeth without anyone knowing!

  2. It's More Comfortable Than Traditional Metal Braces:

    Another concern that parents have when it comes to braces is the comfort factor. Will their child be in pain? With Invisalign treatment in Annapolis, there's no need to worry because the aligners are made of soft, comfortable material. Plus, you can put them away while eating or brushing, so there's no need to worry about food getting stuck in braces or brushing around brackets and wires.

  3. It's More Hygienic Than Traditional Metal Braces:

    One final concern that parents have when it comes to braces is hygiene. Will their child be able to keep their teeth clean with braces? With Invisalign, there's no need to worry because the aligners can be removed for eating and brushing. Your child can brush and floss normally, keeping their teeth healthy and cavity-free!


If you're considering braces for your child, Invisalign is a great option! It's less prominent than metal braces, more comfortable, and more sanitary. Plus, with Invisalign, you can see the treatment results before you commit to any other procedure. Talk to your pediatric dentist in Annapolis today to see if Invisalign is right for your child.

American Dental Association
Academy of General Dentistry
International Congress of Oral Implantologists
ALD Academy of Laser Dentistry
Maryland State Dental Association

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20 Ridgely Avenue #306
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