Tooth Extraction Treatment in Annapolis, MD

If a tooth has been damaged or broken due to decay, our Annapolis Dentist will try to fix it with a crown, filling, or other dental treatment. But, when there's too much damage for the tooth or the situation is more complicated, then it needs to be extracted or removed from its socket.
Our Oral Surgeon will first numb the tooth to make the patient feel more comfortable and relaxed. While tooth extraction may sound unpleasant, it can also be a key for relieving dental pain and preventing future problems.
What is Tooth Extraction?
Tooth extraction is a dental treatment that refers to the complete removal of one or more teeth from the mouth.
Reasons for Tooth Extraction:
A dentist or oral Surgeon removes teeth for various reasons. Some example includes:
- Teeth that are affected by tooth decay that can't be treated with a dental filling or root canal treatment.
- Injury or trauma that has led to a broken tooth that is beyond repair.
- Teeth that block other teeth from coming in.
- Dental braces treatment may need a tooth extraction to create room for other teeth that are being moved into place.
- Impaction of teeth (Wisdom Teeth) that has led to the failure of a tooth to emerge from the gum.
Preparation of Tooth Extraction Treatment in Annapolis, MD:
Our Dentist will take an X-ray of the area to plan the best way to remove the tooth. Our dentist may ask to provide your full medical, dental history, and a list of all the medicines you take. Suppose, if you're having wisdom teeth removed, then you may have a panoramic X-ray.
These x-rays take all the pictures of your teeth at once and show several things that help to guide a Tooth Extraction:
- Relationship of your wisdom teeth to other teeth.
- Relationship of upper teeth to your sinuses.
- Relationship of lower bone to the nerve in the jawbone. This nerve is called the inferior alveolar nerve.
You may have anesthesia or sedation when undergoing tooth extraction. Our Dentist Dr. Jody M. Waddell will also instruct on what cloth needs to be wear and should not eat or drinks anything for six or eight hours before the procedure.
What is The Procedure for a Tooth Extraction?
A tooth extraction will either be simple or surgical, depending on the condition of your tooth, whether it's visible or impacted.
- Simple Extraction: In this extraction, you will receive local anesthesia, which numbs the area around your tooth so that you'll feel only pleasure, not pain, during the Procedure. Our Annapolis Dentist then uses an instrument called an elevator to loosen the tooth and forceps to remove it.
- Surgical Extraction: In this Tooth Extraction in Annapolis, MD you will receive both local and intravenous anesthesia which makes you calm and relaxed. Our dentist may also recommend general anesthesia depending on your medical conditions, with this anesthesia you will remain unconscious during the Tooth Extraction Procedure in Annapolis.
- Steps Involved in Tooth Extraction: Removal of the tooth may require one or more visits to our Dentist in Annapolis, MD. Local anesthesia agents are injected near the tooth to numb the area of the pain. Our oral surgeon may also prescribe a sedative to ease the anxiety.
Once the area around the tooth is numb our dentist grips the tooth with instruments and gently removes it from side to side until it loosens from the tooth socket and ready to be removed.
Once the tooth is removed, the gum may or may not require the stitches to close the gap and wound. Soft cotton padding is given to the patient to bite and prevent bleeding. Before discharge, our dentist advises the patients not to rinse their mouths for at least six hours. After that, warm water mixed with a pinch of salt may be used to rinse the mouth gently. It takes around a week to recover completely and the area of wounded gums needs to be avoided by the toothbrush while brushing the teeth.
After Care Tips for Tooth Extraction:
- Changing Dental Gauzes: After a Tooth Extraction in Annapolis, MD our dentist will lay a thick layer of gauze over the site. The gauze will remain in place for at least 20-30 minutes and need to be replaced whenever it becomes soaked with blood.
- Controlling Pain: Our Dentist may prescribe medication to alleviate pain and inflammation after the procedure.
- Controlling Swelling: People may experience swelling, applying ice to the face may help alleviate the swelling.
- Taking Care When Eating: After a Tooth Extraction in Annapolis, our dentist recommends drinking plenty of fluid and eating soft and nutritious foods until the wound has fully healed.
- Brushing and Flossing: Brush and floss as usual after a tooth extraction, but be careful not to disturb the blood clotting.
For more information on Tooth Extraction in Annapolis schedule an appointment with our Dentist, Dr. Jody M. Waddell, by calling us at (410) 267-3879.